mRemoteNG Advanced External Tools - Setting Up WOL Utility

mRemoteNG is a fork of mRemote: an open source, tabbed, multi-protocol, remote connections manager for Windows. mRemoteNG creates a tabbed interface for RDP, VNC, SSH and many other connection protocols. 

Creating the WOL External Tool

  1. Download WakeMeOnLAN Utility Download
  2. Extract
  3. Copy WakeMeOnLan.exe to the mRemoteNG installation directory, usually C:\Program Files (x86)\mRemoteNG
  4. Launch mRemoteNG
  5. Hover over the Connections tab > Select an existing connection to modify
  6. With the connection highlighted, click the Config tab
  7. At the bottom under the Miscellaneous heading, enter the hosts MAC address
  8. Click Tools > External Tools
  9. Click the New Button at the top left
  10. Set the following values to add the ability to quickly send a WOL packet. Replace the broadcast address ( with the correct broadcast address for the subnet of your network

    Display Name: WOL
    Filename: .\WakeMeOnLan.exe
    Arguments: /wakeup %macaddress% 7

Testing WOL

  1. Download WakeOnLanMonitor tool Download
  2. Extract on the target WOL machine
  3. Launch WakeOnLanMonitor
  4. Set the UDP port value to 7
  5. Click the Start button 
  6. Allow the connection if you are prompted with a firewall notification
  7. From mRemoteNG, right click on the Connection > External Tools > WOL
  8. On the target machine, WakeOnLanMonitor should display the packet details if the WOL packet was successfully sent and received by the target

Wake on LAN is very useful functionality if your hardware supports it. Here is a good tutorial on the steps required to enable WOL on a device. This typically needs to be enabled in the BIOS as well as on the network interface inside the operating system.