Run Homarr Application Dashboard on Windows

What is Homarr?

Simplify the management of your server with Homarr - a sleek, modern dashboard that puts all of your apps and services at your fingertips. With Homarr, you can access and control everything in one convenient location. Homarr seamlessly integrates with the apps you've added, providing you with valuable information and giving you complete control. Installation is a breeze, and Homarr supports a wide range of deployment methods. -

Installing Homarr

  1. Log into the Windows device
  2. Download the latest Homarr release Download
  3. Download NodeJS Download
  4. Install NodeJS > During the install, make sure to check the Tools for Native Modules option
  5. At the Native Modules prompt, press any key to begin the installation process
    NOTE: This process takes quite a while to install, be patient. Proceed once the PowerShell window closes
  6. Extract the downloaded Homarr files
  7. Rename the extracted folder homarr
  8. Cut the homarr folder to a location it can safely run from, C:\Program Files\homarr in this example
  9. Click on the Start menu > type cmd > Right click on Command Prompt > Run as administrator
  10. Run the following commands in the Command Prompt window
    # change directory to homarr, C:\Program Files\homarr in this example
    cd %programfiles%\homarr
    # update npm
    npm install -g npm
    # install yarn
    npm install -g yarn
    # fix dependencies
    yarn install
    # create .env file from example
    copy .\.env.example .\.env
    # build homarr
    yarn build
    # migrate database schema
    yarn db:migrate
    # run homarr
    yarn start
  11. Open a web browser and navigate to http://DNSorIP:3000
  12. Click the Start update process button
  13. Select Standalone Linux / Windows > Click Continue
  14. Enter an admin username and enter and confirm a password > Click Continue
  15. Click the Go to your board button
  16. Welcome to Homarr

Run Homarr on System Startup (Optional, but recommended)

  1. Press CTRL + C to kill the running Homarr process
  2. Open a text editor and paste the following

    :: Start homarr server
    cd /D "%~dp0"
    start "homarr" /b npm start

  3. Save the file as homarr.bat in the homarr directory, C:\Program Files\homarr in this example
  4. Click on the Start Button > Type task > Launch Task Scheduler
  5. Right click the Task Scheduler Library folder in the left pane > Create Basic Task...
  6. Set the name to Homarr and optionally set a Description > Click Next
  7. For the Trigger, select When the computer starts > Click Next
  8. For the Action, select Start a program > Click Next
  9. Complete the form fields as follows:

    Program/script: "%ProgramFiles%\homarr\homarr.bat"
    Add arguments:
    Start in:

  10. Click Next
  11. Check the Open the Properties dialog checkbox > Click Finish
  12. In the Properties dialog, click the Change User or Group... button
  13. Type System in the Object name field > Click OK
  14. Check the Run with highest privileges box
  15. Click OK to create the scheduled task
  16. Right click the Homarr task > Run
  17. Refresh the open web browser to verify Homarr is now running from the scheduled task
